Keep Australia’s terrible refugee policy in the news.
From 2008 to 2012, thousands of people facing imminent death in the Middle East fled for Australia. They were locked away on the Manus Island processing camp in Papua New Guinea. A camp where the conditions were so dire, the UN declared it 'inhumane' and the Papua New Guinea government called to have it shut down.
Bring to life the realities of living on Manus Island through an unexpected perspective that will get Australian’s talking about the living conditions in a way the mainstream media won’t.
I initially posted the Airbnb listing just to see what would happen, but it was soon picked up by two of Australia’s biggest media outlets: Buzzfeed and Pedestrian TV.
I was also permanently banned from ever using Airbnb again.
Role. . . . Creative & Producer
Agency. . . . Self-initiated
Field. . . . Social, PR.
Published. . . . July 2016
Keep Australia’s terrible refugee policy in the news.
From 2008 to 2012, thousands of people facing imminent death in the Middle East fled for Australia. They were locked away on the Manus Island processing camp in Papua New Guinea. A camp where the conditions were so dire, the UN declared it 'inhumane' and the Papua New Guinea government called to have it shut down.
Bring to life the realities of living on Manus Island through an unexpected perspective that will get Australian’s talking about the living conditions in a way the mainstream media won’t.
I initially posted the Airbnb listing just to see what would happen, but it was soon picked up by two of Australia’s biggest media outlets: Buzzfeed and Pedestrian TV.
I was also permanently banned from ever using Airbnb again.
Role. . . . Creative & Producer
Agency. . . . Self-initiated
Field. . . . Social, PR.
Published. . . . July 2016